Our Communication Policy

In order to maintain a good player - coach communication channel, the following is the policy concerning communications about "on field" situations (i.e. team placement, playing time, position, etc).

Players must approach the coaching staff (ideally the head coach of their current team) to set up a meeting to discuss the matter at hand. The beginning and end of practices, end of games, etc are NOT appropriate times, unless pre-approved by the coach. Ideal times are discussed and scheduled in advance.  

Once a player has met with a coach, the issue should be resolved. However, in the case it is not, and a parent feels the need to become involved, another meeting can be scheduled between the coach(es), player, and parent(s) to revisit the issue.  

Parents, please do not take this policy to mean we do not want to discuss on-field activities with you, or are trying to blow you off after a game. We are simply encouraging the young men to take responsibility when it comes to their playing time, position, play call, etc. Far too often, complaints are always quick to come in after a close loss when someone did not play enough, and tension and emotions are running high. The idea here is to give everyone time to cool down, evaluate, and discuss at a planned time, starting with a conversation between the player and coach. 

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